
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy Easter To Me

We didn't make it to the dunes and thank God!!! Here's my story -

Well, the holiday is over and while the rest of the world was coloring Easter eggs and having picnics and doing fun stuff, I spent the whole weekend pretty much doubled over with stomach cramps and poopooreah. Yeah, I know. Not really a pleasant thing to blog about but hey, we all go through it once and a while so might as well confront it. It all started Friday night. I had some drinks with my coworkers after work and then I went home for a snooze. I woke up, got ready to go see a friend's band play that night and by the time I got to Dave's house I was feeling a bit woozy. Thinking it was just leftover buzz from the beers I had after work, I didn't think much of it. Well we get to the bar, my stomach is in knots and I need to use the bathroom really bad. Now I'm not one of those people who can just poop anywhere mind you. I hate public bathrooms. I would much rather be home where I can die in peace. Unfortunately, we don't always have a choice so I sat there with strained smile on face as I waited for my opportunity to run into the bathroom with hopes that it would be vacant. As luck would have it, it turned out to be the most ghetto ass bathroom that I've ever been in. As I sat in the stall looking at the slanted floor and practically losing consciousness, someone comes in and goes into the next stall. Great. I wasn't quite finished and I knew that if I moved too quickly things could get really ugly. I did, however, what any considerate person would do and courtesy flushed while praying the whole time that the other occupant would hurry the hell up and get out quickly. As I finished my business, I turned to flush again and what happens?! Yep, you guessed it. Freaking ghetto toilet decides to play games with me and rise to the top before ever so slowly flushing away my insides. Nice, huh? To make matters worse, instead of doing what any normal person would do and hightail it outta there and take my sick ass (heh) home, I stayed to watch the band some more while sweating profusely and running to the bathroom every 5 or 10 minutes. Yeah, must have been temporary insanity due to intestinal stress. Or something like that. Anyway, the agony continued throughout the entire weekend and now that it's Tuesday and I'm back at work, I'm still not 100% better. I don't know if it was food poisoning or the strawberry shake I drank before the beers on Friday or what but lemme tell you, I wouldn't wish that crap (literally) on anyone. During my ordeal though, we did manage to squeeze in a cool car show and watch a few movies and even cook up some carne asada on the grill. Dave was even nice enough to let me bite the head off of one of his blue bunny Peeps. So it turned out to be a semi decent Easter afterall. Considering. Oh well. Shit happens, right?!


  • What a shitty weekend! Hope your guts are better now.

    By Blogger DarcyArtsy, at 9:29 AM  

  • Man, I WAS starting to feel better until mommy decided she wanted to have margaritas....DAMMIT! She played on my weakness and now I'm back to square one! Poop! <--heh

    By Blogger Deena, at 12:20 PM  

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