
Friday, March 31, 2006

Misha Learns To Poop In The Toilet

While temporarily using a coworker's computer, I came across this bit of information on how to toilet train your cat. Now if I could get my dogs to do this, it would sure save alot of shoveling time. Heh. If any of you read this and are able to train your kitty to do such, please let me know. And send pix because that last cat picture is hilarious. Happy Friday!

Ready? First start by training yourself ...
The very most important thing to remember is: Lid Up, Seat Down. Post a note on the back of the door or the lid of the toilet if you think you (or your housemates or guests) might forget. (Nowadays, if I have a guest who leaves the lid down, Misha will usually come and ask me to fix it, but you can't expect every cat to go to this much trouble. Besides, he's been using the toilet for more than six years now; when the whole idea was new to him he'd just as soon pee in the bathtub instead.) And if you are accustomed to closing the bathroom door when it's empty, you'll have to break that habit too.
Begin by moving the cat's current litter box from wherever it is to one side of the toilet. Make sure he knows where it is and uses it. Rest. Next put something — a stack of newspapers, a phone book, a cardboard box — under the litter box to raise it, say, about an inch. (Magazines are too slick; you don't want the litter box sliding around and making Felix feel insecure. Tape the litter box down if you need to.) Rest. Get another box or phone book and raise it a little higher. Rest. Continue this process until the bottom of the litter box is level with the top of the toilet seat. (For Misha I raised it about two inches per day.)
At the beginning of this process, your cat could just step into the box; later he began jumping up into it, until at some point he probably started jumping up onto the toilet seat first and stepping into the box from there. You've been diligently keeping the lid up and the seat down, of course, so by now your cat is thoroughly familiar with tromping around on the open toilet.
Lift the seat on your toilet and measure the inside diameter of the top of the bowl at its widest point. Venture forth and buy a metal mixing bowl of that diameter. Do not (I discovered this the hard way) substitute a plastic bowl. A plastic bowl will not support the cat's weight and will bend, dropping into the toilet bowl and spilling litter everywhere, not to mention startling hell out of the cat.
Now you move the litter box over so that it's sitting directly over the toilet seat. (If your cat has shown reluctance over previous changes, you might want to split this into two stages, moving it halfway onto the seat and then fully over.) Take away the stack of phone books or whatever. Rest.
Here's the cool part. Take away the litter box entirely. (Ta da!) Nestle the metal mixing bowl inside the toilet bowl and lower the seat. Fill the bowl with about two inches of litter (all of this is much easier if you have the tiny granules of litter that can be scooped out and flushed).
Naturally, any humans using the toilet at this point will want to remove the metal bowl prior to their own use and replace it afterward. The next week or two the whole process is likely to be something of an annoyance; if you begin to think it's not worth it, just remember that you will never have to clean a litter box again.

Naturally, any humans using the toilet at this point will want to remove the metal bowl prior to their own use and replace it afterward. The next week or two the whole process is likely to be something of an annoyance; if you begin to think it's not worth it, just remember that you will never have to clean a litter box again.
Misha's first attempt without the box. He scored two out of a possible four.
Watch your cat using the bathroom in the metal bowl. Count the number of feet he gets up on the toilet seat (as opposed to down in the bowl of litter). The higher the number, the luckier you are and the easier your job is going to be ...
...because next you have to teach him proper squatting posture. Catch him beginning to use the toilet as much of the time as possible and show him where his feet are supposed to go. Just lift them right out of the bowl and place them on the seat (front legs in the middle, hind legs on the outside). If he starts out with three or, heaven forbid, all four feet in the bowl, just get the front two feet out first. Praise him all over the place every time he completes the activity in this position.
(Misha is very doglike in that he craves approval and praise. If your cat is indifferent to this sort of thing, you can also reward him with small food treats and wean him from them later when the toilet behavior has 'set.' Just keep the treats as small and infrequent as possible — half a Pounce or similar treat per occasion should be plenty.)

When he is regularly using the toilet with his front feet out (and some cats naturally start from this position), begin lifting a hind foot out and placing it on the seat outside the front paws. Felix will probably find this awkward at first and try to replace the foot in the litter. Be persistent. Move that foot four times in a row if you have to, until it stays there. Praise and/or treat.
Misha demonstrates proper squatting posture. Note the look of firm concentration.
Repeat with the other hind foot, until your cat learns to balance in that squat. (There will actually be two different squats, a low one for urine elimination and a high one for bowel movements.) Once he's getting all four feet regularly on the seat, it's all downhill from here.
Which is fortunate, because the last bit is also the most unpleasant. I suggest that you postpone this stage until you have at least a weekend, and preferably several days, when you (or another responsible party) will be at home most of the time. I skipped through this part in about two days; I only hope that your cat allows you to move along that fast.
Begin reducing the litter in the bowl. Go as fast as he'll feel comfortable with, because as the litter decreases, the odor increases. You'll want to be home at this point so that you can praise him and dump out the contents of the bowl immediately after he's finished, to minimize both the smell and the possibility that your cat, in a confused attempt to minimize the smell on his own, tries to cover it up with litter that no longer exists and ends up tracking unpleasantness into the rest of the house.
By the time you're down to a token teaspoonful of litter in the bottom of the bowl, your next-door neighbors will probably be aware of the precise instant your cat has used the toilet. This is as bad as it gets. The next time you rinse out the metal bowl, put a little bit of water in the bottom. Increase the water level each time, just as you decreased the litter level. Remember — if at any point Felix looks nervous enough about the change to give the whole thing up and take his business to the corner behind the door, back up a step or two and try the thing again more slowly.
Once the water in the mixing bowl is a couple of inches deep and your cat is comfortable with the whole thing, you get to perform the last bit of magic. Take the mixing bowl away, leaving the bare toilet. (Lid Up, Seat Down.)
Voila! Your cat is now toilet-trained.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Let's see....you look at this picture and you see 2 people in love having a great time, right? Well that's exactly what this picture represents. This picture was taken 8 years ago one day after my wedding. I was married on March 30, 1998. Yes, that would make today my 8 year anniversary except for one thing. My husband and I have been separated for a year now. Though technically still married, we both have moved on and are involved in new relationships now but it doesn't take away the fact that 8 years ago today life was just beginning for the both of us. I guess I am one of those old fashioned people who wanted to be together forever through good and bad, sickness and health and etc.... Well that lasted for a while anyway. Life has a way of twisting and turning and if you're not careful, you can get left behind. The saying goes that everything happens for a reason and that everything is a learning experience. I try to see it as the end of a chapter in my life and that bigger and better things are waiting for me in the future. All I know is I can't get back the years I put in and I can only try to not make the same mistakes in the future. I don't know what is in store for me but right now I am with someone very special and I only hope that my past experience will help strengthen my present relationship. You never know what lies ahead but you can always be better prepared. I choose to take it one day at a time...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Those Chinese Are Pretty Damn Smart

Chinese Sign
Week of March 27, 2006
You may feel as if you have been doing all you can to improve a difficult situation. Don't despair when it seems like people are not appreciating your efforts. Stick with the changes you are making. Things will improve. New Moon Wednesday is positive for improvements at work. Consider getting additional training to upgrade your skills. Relax and laugh with close friends this weekend. There is no need to be serious all the time. Younger people need your attention on Sunday.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dearly Departed Tour

Well we're back from the trip and what can I say but the Dearly Departed Tour rocks!!! Scott Michaels definitely knows his shit! He picked up our tour group of nine out by the Panteges Theater in Hollywood on Saturday afternoon and away we went!

Starting off with the death part, we have a pic of the former home of Leno and Rosemary La Bianca. The older couple was slain by Manson family members in this house on August 10, 1969. There have been some renovations to the house and the address has been changed from 3301 to 3311 Waverly Drive but other than that it still looks basically the same as it did back in 1969. The house on Cielo Drive that was occupied by Sharon Tate and friends when they were slain on the previous evening has been gone for some years now. It was torn down and another house was built in it's place. I didn't take a pic of that house since we didn't go up the mountain that far up but we did get to see a glimpse of it and it's a huge house. That address has also been changed.

Next we have the former house of the Menendez family. Lyle and Erik, the two young men who lived there decided to blow their parents away on August 20, 1989. As we approached the house, Scott played a recording of the 911 call that was placed that night. It goes like this -

Dispatcher: Beverly Hills emergency.
Lyle Menendez: Yes, police, uh...
Dispatcher: What’s the problem?
Lyle: We’re the sons (caller begins to sob)…
Dispatcher: What’s the problem? What’s the problem?
Lyle: (Still crying) They shot and killed my parents!
Dispatcher: What? Who? Are they still there?
Lyle: Yes.
Dispatcher: The people who...
Lyle: No, no.
Dispatcher: They were shot?
Lyle: Erik, man, don’t.
Dispatcher: (Talking over the background sounds of screams and Lyle shouting, "Erik, shut up!") I have a hysterical person on the phone. Is the person still there?
Second Dispatcher: What happened? Have you been able to figure out what happened?
Lyle: I don’t know.
Second Dispatcher: You came home and found who shot?
Lyle: My mom and dad.
First Dispatcher: Are they still in the house, the people who did the shooting?
Lyle: (Screaming) Erik! Get away from them!
Second Dispatcher: Who is the person who is shot?
Lyle: My mom and dad!

After the murders they proceeded to spend lots of cash and have themselves just a grand old time until finally after months and months their murderous lying asses were sent to prison. And get this one - both those dudes managed to find some psychos to marry them even while they rot in jail. Nice, huh.

Ok, here's Rob Zombie's house. He may still be among the living but he has put out some pretty cool music while dressed freakishly and also gave us the movies House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects which both feature a creepy clown guy. That alone deserves props in my opinion. Scott however, informed us that Rob is not so friendly in person when it comes to the tour bus driving by. You would think he would be into it, ya know? Oh well, money changes people, right?
At least that's what I hear.... Scott also told us that another person he despises is David Spade. Apparantly the aggravated Spade decided to throw rocks at the tour bus. Can you imagine?! What nerve! Heh.

We did get to stop for a restroom break during the tour. We stopped at the Will Rogers Park in Beverly Hills and visited the very bathroom that George Michael got busted in. And a very small bathroom it was. Scott provided us all with our very own copy of the arrest report and Dave was nice enough to provide us with his own reenactment of how he thought things might have gone down that day. Good job Dave!

Well the tour wasn't all about death. We did get to see alot of the stars homes that are still with us and also some cool homes used in the movies and television. One of my favorite all time movies is Whatever Happened To Baby Jane. Well, here's the house. YAY!!! Freaking cool man!!!

The house used in Halloween. Remember the scene with Michael Myers on the balcony? Sweet!

I thought I would end this post on a happy note. Even though it's behind a tree we can still see the Cunningham's walking through the front door. Oh, Happy Days!!!

Anyway, the tour lasted about 3 hours and it was definitely worth the time spent driving down there. I would do it again in a heartbeat. My blog pics only cover a very small portion of what we got to see. Oh, and I also got a pic of the Osbourne house but I decided not to post it. Afterall, haven't we had more than our fill of them? Yeah.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Green Beer Rocks!!

Well since I will be out of town for the Irish holiday, I figured I'd wish you all a good one. I'll be in L.A. where I'm sure they will have plenty of pubs that I can celebrate in. It's supposed to rain here in Vegas for the weekend and also in California according to the online weather report. Oh well, we can't always have bright sunny days. That would be asking way too much! Rain however, brings rainbows and you know what's at the end of rainbows, right?
It sure would be nice to have a little spending cash for the weekend. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Anywho, good luck to you all and have a safe and fun holiday. See ya later.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Are You A Death Hag??

This weekend Dave and I are going to visit my sister in L.A. On Saturday we are going on the Dearly Departed Tour where tour guide and host Scott Michaels will take us to different crime and death scene locations in the Hollywood area. Yeah, I know. It's a morbid fascination but this guy has been around for years so apparantly we aren't the only ones who find this stuff interesting. I did receive a call last night from Mr. Michaels himself informing me that there is going to be some kind of rally on Saturday and that a big portion of Hollywood Blvd will be closed. He told me that the tour will be a little different this time and the pickup location will probably change but I'm not going to let that deter me from what I've been looking forward to since I stumbled across his website a couple of years ago. Hopefully we won't miss out on too many sites because of the rally. At any rate, I expect to have a great time. Cruising around in a tour bus and visiting places such as the Tate and La Bianca murder locations on what is supposed to be an overcast and possibly rainy day seems the perfect thing to do. I know, that's a disgusting thing to say, right? I'm a terrible, horrible person. It's in exteremely bad taste and I should be ashamed of myself. On that note, here's the link to Scott Michaels website - http://www.findadeath.com/ check it out for yourself. It's not all death and destruction. In fact, the tour even includes a driveby of the restroom where George Michael had his "incident." Now that's what I call entertainment - LOL!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hangin' With Tiff

Well Tiff thought it would be a good idea to move to New Mexico with her husband a few months ago for God knows what reason. Anyway, we told her she could go only if she promised to come back and party with us on occasion. Well, she made good on her word and here are some pics of one of the get togethers we had while she was here. Karaoke and booze. Good times!

Brenda & Tiff. My 2 favorite bitches. We've had so many good times and I'm glad we're still friends so we can have more good times and grow old together. Ok, which one of you is gonna change my bedpan??

I love this pic of Dave and Scott. Party boys rock!!!

Motley Crue forever man!!!

Mikey, we love you even if you are flipping us off. However, that guy you have your arm around is not your boyfriend. Seriously, did you pick that hooker up on the way to the party or what?! Don't worry though, we won't tell you know who...

Erica, you are the coolest 22 year old chick I know. Or are you 23? Anyway, you kicked ass on "Roxanne." Do us a favor though, ok? Eat a damn cheesburger before the wind blows you away!!

Ahhh, how sweet!......blech!!!! LOL!

Yeah Tiff, I know. You wish your man was as cool as mine! (Love ya Jack! - Hee!)

Well well, look who finally showed up 5 hours late and after we were all wasted - Chrysti! Oh wait, is that Chrysti?

Yep, that's Chrysti!!

Always nice to get Steve a little drunk and watch him run around in circles. I think he was trying to catch his tail or something.

Tiff and I doing what we do best - trying to outsing each other. Move over Kelly Clarkson, you ain't shit compared to these 2 bitches!! LOL!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sailing With A Portuguese Water Dog

I was surfing the pages of Dogster this morning and I came upon this dog named Sailor. Sailor is what they call a Portuguese Water Dog. I have never heard of a Portuguese Water Dog but look how friggin' cute she is!!! Anyway, just thought I would share these pics in case anyone out there is blog surfing and looking for something to smile about. It sure worked for me!!! Happy Tuesday!!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

That's Not My Husband!!

Ok, you look at this picture here and you say to yourself - damn, were these people drunk or what?! Well the answer is yes, yes we were but that's not what this post is about. This picture is of me and my boyfriend Dave. It was taken about 2 or 3 years ago one night at a karaoke bar. We have only been officially dating for about 6 months. Almost 7. Wow! Anyway, Dave always liked to take pictures (and still does) and I just happened to be there during one of his many photo shoots with himself and numerous women. I have known Dave for about 5 years or so and we always liked to flirt with each other just a little bit. I remember being in a few pictures with him (usually drunk) and I made a comment recently about how cool it would be if he came across one of them. Well he did and all I can say is "whoa!" When I first saw this picture, I didn't even recognize myself. I mean, it's definitely me but I have no recollection of ever taking it (hence drunkeness) and it just seems a little strange. We were both in totally different places in our lives at that time and now after a few years have gone by, we are together and having a great time. Did these 2 people even have a clue that their lives would eventually intersect in a huge way? I don't think so. Some might call it fate. Call it what you want, all I can say is I'm having the time of my life with this man and it keeps getting better every day. One of life's sweeter moments.......

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Would You Like Sprinkles On That?

Remember your first job? Well mine was at Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors back in 1986. I was 16 years old. Here I am in my groovy uniform with coworker Ty. We had the best time making shakes and sundaes and eating as much as we sold. Ice cream, ice cream and more ice cream! As much as we wanted and never had to worry about gaining a single pound. Ah, the good old days of youth! Not that I consider myself old mind you. Being in my 30's has actually been pretty satisfying. I am older, wiser and more established than I have ever been. I have survived through a lot of tough times and have learned from every experience I have ever had. This picture symbolizes just the beginning of things to come for me. Believe me, if I would have known back then the things I do now, I would have changed a big part of my life. But then again, don't we all feel that way just a little bit? I guess if we did have that opportunity to go back and change things, our lives would have been a little more comfortable, but we would also have lost part of ourselves that makes us who we are. Like they say, what doesn't kill you almost kills you. Or something like that. So, what's your favorite Baskin Robbins flavor? I'd have to go with Oregon Blackberry. Ok, maybe Daquiri Ice. Wait! Gold Medal Ribbon! Yeah, that's it - Gold Medal Ribbon. Totally.