
Friday, July 29, 2005

It's All About Family

I feel very fortunate that I am part of such a great family with a mom, dad and 2 big sisters. Even though we don't get to spend a lot of time together, it's always fun when we do and now that we
are a little older, we usually get along famously (for the most part - hee!) So this is a shout out to
the ones I love. Thank you for being there for me!!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

A Horse Is A Horse...

Funny thing happened to me on the way home from the bar. As I was heading home around 3am with Brenda, what do we see in the middle of the road but these 2 huge metal horses! I stopped just in time to avoid hitting one of them and got out of the car to take a look. A guy behind us in a pickup stopped too and we all commented on how cool they were and what the hell were they doing in the road anyway! Since nobody was around to claim them, the guy put them in his truck and brought them to my house. I knew I had seen them before not far from where they were found so I decided to go back in the morning and check out the neighborhood. I came upon a house with real horses in the back yard so I figured that would be the obvious place to check first. A man answered the door and told me that the horses were indeed his and that he has had some problems with kids moving them out of his yard. He was thankful that I had them and that they weren't gone for good. He was also thankful that nobody hit them and got hurt. He also told me that he got them at a police auction a few years back and that they have been a real pain in the ass ever since. I guess he's hoping he can eventually sell them so he doesn't have to deal with the problems anymore. Anyway, I was glad that I found the owner and that he is going to send a friend of his over with a trailer to pick them up. Talk about an interesting weekend! Sheesh!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

2005 - Year of Reflection and Change

It's funny how life is just one big rollercoaster. It's starts off slow and then gets faster and faster with twists and turns that come when you least expect them. This year has not been good for just about everyone in my inner circle. Friends and family are going through major changes in their lives right now and it hasn't been pleasant for anyone involved. Friendships and relationships are ending. After all of these years the circle has been divided and is getting smaller and smaller. Those of us who are left cling to each other for support and understanding and guidance. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I would like to think that my side of the broken circle is the side that will come out stronger and wiser. That the pain is just temporary and that we who are left are being given the ultimate test of survival and strength. That we have the will to get through these changes and move forward in a clear and positive direction. I believe that those who remain in the other part of the broken circle have so much more to learn and are both mentally and emotionally in limbo and that staying whole would only hinder the progress of the rest of us. In time I would like to think that one day the circle will once again be complete. For now, although I mourn the past and the way things used to be, I also celebrate the future and what is yet to come. To those that are left to take this journey with me, hang on tightly to my hand and don't let go. You are the ones who are meant to be with me forever and I with you. To those who have lost their way and continue to struggle, don't give up hope. As long as we all have two hands, there will always be one available to welcome you back into the circle when the time is right. In the meantime, good luck and Godspeed.

Oh Yeah!!!

Not much to report today. Thought I'd just post
some eye candy instead. It is hump day afterall!!!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Thumbs Down!!

On Sunday Brenda and I took her kids to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Talk about a
disappointment! The different sets were cool but the characters sucked. As much as I like
Johnny Depp as an actor, his portrayal of Willy Wonka was in my opinion, retarded. He wasn't
the least bit interesting and the story line was just lame. In this movie, we get to see what happened to Willy as a child and how he and his chocolate factory came to be. BORING!!! And
don't even get me started on the Oompa Loompas!!! I am including a picture so you can see for yourself just how disgustingly stupid they made them in this movie. I think I probably laughed twice throughout the entire show and both times were at Brenda's little girl when she giggled at Willy Wonka when he ran face first into his transporter. In closing of this review, I will say that if you are a fan of the original movie, don't go see this one expecting the same show with better effects. The movies are totally different so keep an open mind. My advice is to wait until it comes out on dvd. I am also posting a picture of the one and only Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka and the original Oompa Loompas. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a true classic and even the talented Tim Burton wasn't able to make Charile and the Chocolate Factory the least
bit memorable for this movie goer. Better luck next time.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Are You Down With The Pee Pants?!

Anyone who is anyone knows that Aquateen Hunger Force rocks!! After you see this show,
there's really no reason to watch South Park anymore (I did love the Paris Hilton episode though!) If you haven't seen this show, you are definitely missing out on some great stuff.
You can see Master Shake, Frylock, Meatwad and Carl on the Cartoon Network late night on Adult Swim or check out http://www.mcpeepants.com/ for information on the show as well as some cool sounds and wallpaper. Enjoy!!

Disclaimer - I cannot be held responsible for any injuries suffered by laughing hysterically at
this show. Use extreme caution!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Up Your Nose With A Rubber Hose

This is a picture of my trash can under my desk at work.
Isn't it sweet! Try to control your jealousy girls!!! The
other side has a pic of Mr. Kotter and all the sweathogs
but you know who was the one we all drooled over - LOL!
Now I gotta find me some Boy In The Plastic Bubble pjs
to add to my cool collection. Next will be Chachi and then
maybe James at 15/16...anyone seen that guy lately - ICK!!
And we thought Eddie Van Halen hit the wall!!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Pull My String

This is Sandy - America's favorite receptionist.
Sandra has the gift of gab. Besides having a great rack, she also has the uncanny ability to make the person
on the other end of the phone line forget about why they called in the first place. With just a simple hello the
weak and the strong alike find themselves lost in Sandy's
world of kids, grandkids, travel and knockoff Louis Vouitton
handbags. Even the most stubborn of customers and businessmen find themselves unable to get a word in
edgewise while Sandy carries on the conversation for both parties and many even find themselves strangely wanting more and more even after the phone call finally ends. It is a hypnotic and lasting spell that some never completely recover from. Some of those who have experienced her lasting babble have been known to suffer side effects such as dementia, loss of hearing and violent tendencies as demonstrated by the man in the following picture. But seriously folks, as much as Sandy likes to talk, we at the company think she's just peachy and wouldn't think of getting rid of her even though the petiton with over 5,000,000 signatures demanding her ousting continues to circulate.....Love ya biotch!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

A Relaxing Weekend???

This weekend Brenda and I decided to go camping over night at Mt. Charleston. We have both been under a lot
of stress lately and thought it would be a great idea to get
away for a day so we left Saturday afternoon and set up
camp. Notice our beautiful lopsided tent. Who says women aren't self sufficient?! The next pic is of Brenda
getting ready to prepare some kabobs on the grill. Steve
met us at the campsite a few hours later and we ate, drank
and sat under the stars. We contemplated hiking but
Steve was nursing a nice hangover from Friday and I
unfortunately was recovering from a massive leg cramp
from the night before which also decided to rear it's painful
head once again while we were there. Instead we just talked and enjoyed the beautiful weather and scenery as you can see from the picture that Steve took of the trees.
The sky had some awesome colors in it but unfortunately my camera didn't capture it but you can kinda get the idea. As we drove back into town the next morning and I was on the way to take Brenda home, we talked a bit about our homelife situations and took a moment to take in the events of the weekend and be thankful that we had the opportunity to get away from it all even for just one day. Then just as we were exiting the freeway - BAM!!! We were rear ended. We didn't get hurt although my suv suffered some
bumper damage. I exchanged information with the party at fault who seemed very apologetic and willing to take care of it
himself and I gave him the benefit of the doubt hoping that there are still good people in the world who honor their word. Needless to say, after a nice relaxing day at the mountains, it was a smack (no pun intended) back into reality that neither of us needed. Isn't that always the way?!?!?!?

Friday, July 08, 2005

Famous Faces?

I'm entering these 2 cuties in a contest to get their picture on a box of dog biscuits and free snacks for a year!
The first one is Buddy and the second one is Baxter. Feel free to let me know what you think. Either way, they
are both winners to me! Ahhh....sniff!! LOL!!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Come Play With Us Danny...

Ahh, the new building...
As I wander aimlessly up and down this hallway several times a day - 5 days and 40 hours a week,
I can just picture in my mind the blood oozing and gushing out of the walls and doorways forming a
crimson river flowing ever so slowly over the concrete floor. Or sometimes even flowing extremely
fast with the red waves crashing over my head and sucking me into the river before I have time to escape.
My hands and feet are kicking but I cannot swim. All I want to do is get away from the voices behind the
door of room 237 and back to the smiling face of my dear friend Lloyd the bartender who waits with my favorite drink in hand... Ok, so it's a morbid thought but you must admit, quite entertaining. Much more enjoyable than the reality of these walls. I mean really,
look at them for gawd sakes! If you were a fly on these walls, you'd be blind! Ok, no more ranting. I do have
one question though - what happened to the bigwheel that was in the corner?!?!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Party Peeps

Here's just a few of the friends that gathered
to watch the fireworks at the Redneck BBQ.

BBQ Pix (con't)

Here's a backside view of RJ showing us
how to "Giterdun!!" Did I mention he's a

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Redneck BBQ

Saturday night Steve, Brenda and I attended a bbq at my friend RJ's house. RJ is a redneck. He will tell you he is a redneck and he's damn proud of it. He is a big fan of Blue Collar TV and would also like to get a tattoo that says
American Born By Birth - or something like that. Anyway, how much more redneck can you get?! Hee! I met him at
work and we have become pretty good friends. His wife is a sweetheart and they have a cute little boy too. RJ is good people and I hope he and his family will be part of my life for a very long time. I will be posting some pictures of the bbq starting with this one of the redneck himself getting ready to light up some fireworks. His brother and 2 nephews are also in the picture and as you can see from the pics that follow, a good time was had by all!!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Drumroll Please.....

Yep, thought so!!!!!!