I know it seems hard enough to imagine life without pc's and cell
phones and ipods and bigscreen tv's and whatnot but OMG, seriously, how the hell did we get along without Tivo?! This fantastic invention is
definitely on my top 10 list of cool things that make life worth living. Ok,
I know it sounds a little pathetic to say that but really folks, if you have one of these, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Long gone are the days of programming the vcr with a shitty tape that you never bothered to replace. Long gone are the days of writing notes to yourself to remind you what day what show came on at what time and then strategically placing such note somewhere close to the tv (but not in the way of your view) only to be lost or forgotten as other notes piled up close by. OR how about forgetting to write the note in the first damn place and then having to wait for the rerun of a missed show or having your friend tell you how good the show was and too bad they didn't record it for you because it was soooo friggin' cool and they can't believe that you would miss it! You get the idea. Anyway, I just thought I would give some props to the masterminds behind the Tivo genius. Yes, I know if it wasn't for computers it probably wouldn't exist. From great things stem even greater things so if you don't have one of these rockin' little gadgets yourself, I would suggest gettin' off the couch and hightailing it to your nearest cable store or wherever you can get your hands on one and join the rest of us in the world of one time season pass programming! AND, think of all the trees you'll be saving by not using paper to write notes to yourself! It's a win win situation!! Ahhh, life is sweet!! :o)